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Stress Unplugged: Transformative Strategies for a Balanced Life

 Stress is an unavoidable aspect of modern life, impacting mental and physical health. However, it is possible to manage stress effectively and improve overall well-being with the right strategies. Various approaches, from natural remedies to professional support, can help mitigate the effects of stress. Understanding the role of family dynamics, social media, and personal hobbies can also provide valuable insights into stress management. By exploring these diverse methods, individuals can find personalized solutions that promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Recognizing Stress and Its Physical Impact Stress can manifest in various physical symptoms that disrupt your daily routine. Common signs include headaches, often caused by muscle tension or altered blood flow, and muscle tightness in the neck, shoulders, and back as your body gears up to face perceived threats. Additionally, stress may lead to fatigue, leaving you feeling draine...




Many people view Olympians as superstars. They do the very thing that most of us will only   dream about. It is easy to sit back in our chairs and wish we could win a Gold medal, and the world would cheer us on."They are so blessed with talent!

How come I can't do that?"
Those are the thoughts of a person who is struggling to be successful. It is extremely common for people to twist their mind into believing that Olympians wake up one morning and make it to the Olympics. The average person does not realize or want to admit that it takes more than luck and talent to be the best. Human beings think this way as a form of protection from their own insecurities about "why they have not succeeded in a particular area?"The truth is, it takes years of discipline, dedication and focus to achieve anything of value. Olympians wake up every morning and choose to practice.  


When the hard times come,
their eyes never leave the prize.


  • Training and control of oneself and one's conduct, usually for personal improvement.
  • The act of disciplining or power to discipline one's own feelings, desires, etc., esp with the intention of improving oneself.
  • Synonyms include: Control, constraint,independence, self-command, sobriety, self-denial...WILLPOWER....
  • Antonyms include: Chaos, confusion, disorder, disorganization, neglect.

  • Focus
  • Adhering to specific eating habits
  • Practice
  • Learning the sport
  • Self-motivation
The Olympics does not happen every year,
during the time span between, the athletes
have to endure everyday struggles...
  • Family problems
  • Negativity
  • Emotional distress
  • Personal sacrifices
  • Death of a loved one
  • Moments where they ask themselves "Is it worth it?"
There is no greater insult to an Olympian, or any person who has attained success, than another individual referring to their achievements as "luck." There is not a doubt in any person's mind that talent plays a major role in the success of an individual, but so does hard work and dedication. Practice takes self-discipline, a quality that most of us do not have for several reasons.
  • Laziness
  • Low-self esteem
  • Full of pride
  • Competing for a life that was not meant for you

It is NEVER enough to 

"18 But someone will say, ā€œYou have faith, and I have works.ā€ Show me your faith without your[a] works, and I will show you my faith by my[b] works. 19 You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believeā€”and tremble! 20 But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead?[c] 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? 22 Do you see that faith was working together with his works, and by works faith was made perfect? 23 And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, ā€œAbraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.ā€[d] And he was called the friend of God. 24 You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only
(James 18-24)."

Michael Phelps extreme setbacks, dedication and training routine!
How to build self-discipline!



# 5.

Delayed gratification
is the ability to wait in order to
obtain something that one wants
 (google dictionary).

"But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience

What typically happens if you
the following overnight?
  • Piano
  • Any instrument
  • A college education
  • A dream....

 Understanding delayed gratification is a "universal issue." If we do not instantly see the  benefit of something, we shrug it off and quickly say, I guess it was never meant to be. The harsh reality is that success is valuable. Anything that is valued, takes time and effort to obtain. The term "meant to be" is never used appropriately. When people began to start relying on this statement alone, they forget that great things do not just "happen," generally we take ownership in the blessing that we receive. The average person is given "beyond" what they deserve. For those few individuals who do have things given to them, they lack appreciation.

  • Divorces happen because people fail to work on their relationship because if it were meant to be, they will stay together.
  • Teenagers crash cars more often because their parents paid for it.
  • A person will have more respect when they earn their keep.
Regardless of what happens in life, you have to make the choice to persevere. Sometimes we grow very weary in doing what we need to do because we do not see any gain. It is important for a person to realize that "gain" does not necessarily come back to us in the same form we gave. When a person does not achieve "their" plans in a certain given time, they quit and say, it was never meant to be, God has other plans.

For I know the plans I have for you, declares
the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil,
to give you a future and a hope
 (Jeremiah 29:11).

REALITY: There may be other plans for your life but you will never experience those opportunities because you decided to quit on something else. Doors only open when you knock. The moment you stop knocking, is the day none of your doors will open. Success comes when you least expect it, and generally never in the same manner that we choose. Most of the time if we set out to make a dream come true, it may not come to pass because it is not the journey that we have been given. But, if there is something that you feel in your heart to do, complete it and give it your all. There is a reason why a seed has been planted in your mind. Never doubt and always keep going.

And let us not grow weary of doing good,
forin due season we will reap,
if we do not give up
 (Galatians 6:9).

Training to be an Olympian!
Brendan McCathy

Achieving a goal is never a one man journey. It takes an army to build success. The power of one person is often underestimated. The moment people lose respect and appreciation for the "small" people that are in their lives, everything will eventually take a downward spiral. Olympians are generally always thanking the people who help make it happen. They look at some of the very same people who were there from the beginning and they Thank them. The typical person does not do this. Sometimes, with success comes arrogance, and the one thing that will always keep a person on top is the very moment when they acknowledge that success is a team effort. We are not meant to travel this journey alone. An Olympian understands that.

  • Trainers
  • Family/Friends
  • Strangers
  • YOU!
Just being an intricate part of a person's success, is an achievement alone.
Never become jealous when someone gains strength and knowledge, if you were apart of that, REJOICE WITH THEM.
Rejoice with them that do rejoice,
 and weep with them that weep
(Romans 12:15).

The incredible story of Kayla Harrison
in the Olympics!
 For your latest Olympic news and videos!
Check here for your latest hour by hour of the Olympics!
What to watch for Day 12 of the Olympics!

"You can't do it!"

This world is filled with negative people and energy. Successful people are the most neglected. We typically have the assumption that someone who is a high performer, does not need encouragement or become spiteful because they chose to move forward even when "YOU" did not compliment or congratulate them.
"14 Bless them which
persecute you: bless,
and curse not
 (Romans 12:14)."

While many of us cheer on the Olympians, their personal experiences involve pure rejection from some of the people who they "thought would be there."

Failure is not a reality for a person who succeeds. Yes, they may fall short of their initial goal, but that never stops them from shedding a few tears and keep going. Everyone fails, but that is not what makes you a "failure." Many people fail, simply because they are afraid to fail. If you are going to make anything happen, failing is a reality, but not "failure."

    "For though a righteous man falls seven times,
    he rises again, but the wicked are brought
    down by calamity (Proverbs 24:16)."


There is an old saying that unfortunately remains true. "Misery loves company." Never expect people to compliment you if they feel you are doing well. Envy and competition is a weapon used without even realizing it. When someone does something wonderful, sincerely be proud, because if you even said "hello" to that person, YOU COUNTED....
1. The act of rejecting or the state of being rejected.

reject synonyms
  • Cast aside, Cast out, Throw away. Throw out, Despise, Thumbs dow
reject antonyms
  • accept, allow, approve, choose, sanctify


If you ask for help people assume that you are weak or that you are not able to stand on two feet, however, that remains to not be true. At some point in our lives we have to give up our pride and acknowledge that there are certain circumstances that we are not able to handle on our own. Olympians always look for help. They realize they NEED PEOPLE!


Trainers, support, dietitians, time and more!

"One's pride will bring him low, but
he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor

 This does not suggest that each of these Olympians have a similar religious belief, but somewhere along the lines, they decided to admit (whether verbally or through actions) that they needed support.


1. To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence.
2. To fill with enlivening or exalting emotion:

Olympians have stories of hardships, hurt and disappointments, but they release their stories to the public eye in order to "inspire." This is actually the least form of selfishness a person can obtain. The moment you release all of your fears and anxieties about what other people think, just for a chance to "inspire" one. Successful people never start off trying to accomplish everything as a personal gain. Those who gain under those feelings, will quickly fall. This is a false sense of "success" and happiness. YOU ONLY SUCCEED IN LIFE, WHEN YOU RECOGNIZE THAT LIFE IS ABOUT INSPIRING "ONE", EVEN WHEN IT MEANS YOUR ENEMIES WILL SMILE.


Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility
count others more significant than yourselves(Philippians 2:3).

AUTHORS NOTE: I never rank people regardless of who won first. I have immense respect for anyone who reveals their life circumstances to the world...but still competes. Life is not a competition. Do the best YOU can be and stop focusing on "winning" for your own personal gain.
